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Prepared Statements

Prepared Statements can save SQL parsing time and improve performance.


Now only support INSERT, SELECT UPDATE DELETE statements.


  • Create Prepared Statements

    xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=?");
  • Method A: Execute with Args

    xdb_res_t *pRes = xdb_stmt_bexec (pStmt, id);
  • Method B: Bind then Execute

    • Bind parameters
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 1, id);

    NOTE Bind parameter id starts from 1.

    • Execute prepared statements
    xdb_res_t *pRes = xdb_stmt_exec (pStmt);
  • Close statements

    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);


xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "INSERT INTO student (id,name,age,class,score) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    pRes = xdb_stmt_bexec (pStmt, id, name, age, cls, score);
    pRow = xdb_fetch_row (pRes);
    // handle pRow
    xdb_free_result (pRes);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);
xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "INSERT INTO student (id,name,age,class,score) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 1, id);
    xdb_bind_str (pStmt, 2, name);
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 3, age);
    xdb_bind_str (pStmt, 4, cls);
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 5, score);
    pRes = xdb_stmt_exec (pStmt);
    pRow = xdb_fetch_row (pRes);
    // handle pRow
    xdb_free_result (pRes);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);


xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=?");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    pRes = xdb_stmt_bexec (pStmt, id);
    pRow = xdb_fetch_row (pRes);
    // handle pRow
    xdb_free_result (pRes);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);
xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=?");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 1, id);
    pRes = xdb_stmt_exec (pStmt);
    pRow = xdb_fetch_row (pRes);
    // handle pRow
    xdb_free_result (pRes);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);


xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "UPDATE student SET age=age+? WHERE id=?");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    pRes = xdb_stmt_bexec (pStmt, 2, id);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);
xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "UPDATE student SET age=age+? WHERE id=?");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 1, 2); // age
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 2, id);
    pRes = xdb_stmt_exec (pStmt);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);


xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "DELETE FROM student WHERE id=?");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    pRes = xdb_stmt_bexec (pStmt, id);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);
xdb_stmt_t *pStmt = xdb_stmt_prepare (pConn, "DELETE FROM student WHERE id=?");
if (NULL != pStmt) {
    xdb_bind_int (pStmt, 1, id[i]);
    pRes = xdb_stmt_exec (pStmt);

    // close when finish using
    xdb_stmt_close (pStmt);
