The Multi-Statements feature can significantly improve performance, especially in client-server mode. By running a batch of statements in one query, you can retrieve results one by one in parallel. In databases that do not support Multi-Statements, you must send one statement, wait for the result, and then send the next one. This process results in lower performance, particularly when network latency is high.
pRes = xdb_exec (pConn, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student; SELECT id,name FROM student WHERE id=2");
printf ("-- 1st result: ");
if (NULL != (pRow = xdb_fetch_row (pRes))) {
xdb_print_row (pRes->col_meta, pRow, 0);
printf ("\n");
xdb_free_result (pRes);
printf ("-- 2nd result: ");
pRes = xdb_next_result (pConn);
if (NULL != pRes) {
if (NULL != (pRow = xdb_fetch_row (pRes))) {
xdb_print_row (pRes->col_meta, pRow, 0);
printf ("\n");
xdb_free_result (pRes);