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APIs List

API Description
new new (:memory: | [path/]db_name) Open a connection for local DB direct access
exec exec (statement) Execute SQL statement
begin begin () Begin transaction
commit commit () Commit transaction
rollback rollback () Rollback transaction
close close () Close a connection
version version () Get CrossDB version info


Open a connection and create/open a local Database.

const CrossDB = require("@croosdb/crossdb-nodejs");

const db = new CrossDB(":memory:");
// or
const db = new CrossDB("[path/]db_name");
  • If path is :memory:, a memory database is created or opened, becoming the default database for this connection.
  • If path specifies [path/]db_name, a database at the given path is created or opened.
  • All databases opened are shared across all active connections.


Execute SQL statement and return result set.

// Create tables if they do not already exist
  "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS student (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(16), age INT, class CHAR(16), score FLOAT, info VARCHAR(255))"
// Clean (empty) a table
db.exec("DELETE FROM student");
// Insert sample data into the table
  "INSERT INTO student (id,name,age,class,score) VALUES (1,'jack',10,'3-1',90),(2,'tom',11,'2-5',91),(3,'jack',11,'1-6',92),(4,'rose',10,'4-2',90),(5,'tim',10,'3-1',95)"
// Query to select all records from the table

let res = db.exec("SELECT * FROM student");
res.forEach((element, i) => {
  console.log(i, "Select all records: ", element);
// Execute multiple statements
res = db.exec(
  "SELECT COUNT(*) as Count FROM student; SELECT id, name, age FROM student WHERE id=2;SELECT MIN(score) as min, MAX(score) as max, SUM(score) as sum, AVG(score) as avg FROM student"
res.forEach((element, i) => {
  console.log(i, "Multi-statement result: ", element);

In SQL, the behavior of statements regarding result sets is as follows:

  • SELECT Statements: These retrieve data and return a result set comprising the selected rows.
  • Non-SELECT Statements: Statements like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE modify data and typically do not return a result set. Instead, they provide the number of rows affected.

When executing multiple statements sequentially:

  • Multiple SELECT Statements: Each SELECT returns its own result set in the order of execution.
  • Mixed Statements: Only SELECT statements return result sets, each corresponding to its position in the sequence. Non-SELECT statements do not return result sets but indicate the number of rows affected.


Begin a transaction.



Commit a transaction.



Rollback a transaction.



Close connection.



Get CrossDB version string.


Return this object:

  • "CroosDB": CroosDB version.
  • "Package": Node.js package version,
  • "Platform": Platform information
  "CroosDB": "0.11.0",
  "Package": "1.4.1",
  "Platform": "darwin"
